Our earnest prayers and grassroots activities -- starting from the local community and rippling out to the entire world, starting from the individual and rippling out to all humanity -- create the momentum for the achievement of peace and kosen-rufu.
k祈求 Prayer
槟城新文化会馆祈求目标 New Penang Culture Centre Prayer Objective
Monday, September 27, 2010
祈求和行動是和平與廣宣流布的波動 Prayers & Grassroots Activities create the momentum for the achievement of peace and kosen-rufu
認真祈求和草根行動,即"從地域延伸到世界"、"從一人延伸到全人類" -- 這就是和平與廣宣流布的波動。
Our earnest prayers and grassroots activities -- starting from the local community and rippling out to the entire world, starting from the individual and rippling out to all humanity -- create the momentum for the achievement of peace and kosen-rufu.
Our earnest prayers and grassroots activities -- starting from the local community and rippling out to the entire world, starting from the individual and rippling out to all humanity -- create the momentum for the achievement of peace and kosen-rufu.