k祈求 Prayer

槟城新文化会馆祈求目标 New Penang Culture Centre Prayer Objective
1. 槟城新文化会馆所有向政府申请的文件和手续,都顺利早日得到批准。Smooth and early approval of the application of all government documents and procedures for the establishment of the new Penang Culture Centre.
2. 全部各项建筑工程都得到诸天的协助和守护,绝对无事故落成。To receive the protection and help of the Buddhist gods in every aspect of the construction process and its completion without any untoward incidents.
3. 建筑过程中,天气晴朗。Fine weather throughout the construction process.
4. 各人自发向每一期各自御供养目标挑战,达成御供养目标,以期自身宿命转换而得到更大功德。Every member to take initiative and challenge towards own individual target for every contribution campaign – to affect change in our individual karma and to receive greater benefits.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

为广布祈求的题目,再创事业另一高锋! 林振顺笔

配合2010我的80周年运动及梹島要购地建新文化会馆的挑战. 青年部在年中就开始推动”30小时题目挑战.希望每位青年部都能将自己和广布连结在一起, 在自己人生和广布都取得大胜利!




自己翻阅了宇宙报,体验集,各种在这方面胜利的体验,深深体会到自己绝不可心灰意冷.胜利的关键在於当你在面对挑战中,你的一念将决定未来,是选择放弃或更加确信的走下去? 如池田先生指导:”在关鍵时刻,人们有时会认为自己己经不行了”.其实,这样的时刻正是开拓自身新的可能性的时机.这里有着使自己的人生由失败向胜利,由不幸向幸福作重大转变的契机.” , “不论有什么样的困难,都要一个一个地,扎扎实实地努力克服,而且要耐心等待.绝不要喪失希望,要懂得时机,创造时机.胜利的时刻一定会到来.”等等,这些都是培我渡过了寒冬的人生哲学.配合题目的运动,我本身在假日也以56个小时的题目渡过,並尽量利用工作午餐时间到梹島会馆唱半至1个小时的题目,以加強题目的力量.

在十月御供养之后,在一次遇见客户时,很奇妙的得到失去联络多年的前任同事联络号码.我联络对方的目的是在联络友情,没想到在交谈中竟发现其现任公司要找人,並在他的穿针引缐下, 20.10.2010接见了从新加坡来的老板.在面试后,深感到这就是我想要走的路.在离开马来西亜前,叫我用电邮传递我的履历表给他,並告诉我会一个星期后回復我.在朋友口中得知他同时也面试了几位人选.这时我能做的只有在题目上更加把劲,目标也更加明确.等了一星期后,竟然音讯全无.自已也深深向御本尊忏愧这几年来在男子部的广布上沒尽心尽力”,我向御本尊誓愿一定要在事业上一个大改变以转換经济的宿命,以便能在未来梹島建新文化会馆做出更多的御供养,无后顾之忧, 安心投入广布.


回到梹城后, 这时正是我完成930小时题目的挑战(270小时题目),也是我在现任公司服务10周年的在日子. 我终於接到他的电邮,並在09.12.2010的接见中,他将早己准备好的聘请书给我簽了,而且待遇正是我所祈求的,所愿滿足.

这是一场短期的挑战,但我深深的体验到,在师匠的指导下,因为在学会长期以来磨練的信心, 正确的人生观,虽然在激烈的环境中,但却能不屈不挠,湧现源源不绝的佛智与热情,奋斗到底的人,才有春天的喜悦!我决意全力投入广布和事业,以学会目标为自己目标,以使命转换宿命,写下自己的人间革命史,以报答御本尊,学会和师匠! 以此作今生人界之怀思.

Friday, January 7, 2011

GPS coordinates for new kaikan location

GPS coordinates: N05 17.919 E100 16.234

Group Photo at New Penang Kaikan Location

Taken on 7 Dec 2010 at the site of new SGM Penang Culture Center at Bayan Lepas

Friday, December 31, 2010

Daily Wisdom

Daily Wisdom http://www.sgi-usa.org/encouragement/dw.php

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Friday, December 31, 2010:

I, Nichiren, am the richest man in all of present-day Japan. I have dedicated my life to the Lotus Sutra, and my name will be handed down in ages to come.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Daily Wisdom

Daily Wisdom http://www.sgi-usa.org/encouragement/dw.php

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Thursday, December 30, 2010:

In the yard around the hut the snow piled deeper and deeper. No one came to see me; my only visitor was the piercing wind. Great Concentration and Insight and the Lotus Sutra lay open before my eyes, and Nam-myoho-renge-kyo flowed from my lips. My evenings passed in discourse to the moon and stars on the fallacies of the various schools and the profound meaning of the Lotus Sutra. Thus, one year gave way to the next.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Daily Wisdom

Daily Wisdom http://www.sgi-usa.org/encouragement/dw.php

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Wednesday, December 29, 2010:

To hope to attain Buddhahood without speaking out against slander is as futile as trying to find water in the midst of fire or fire in the midst of water. No matter how sincerely one believes in the Lotus Sutra, if one is guilty of failing to rebuke slander of the Law, one will surely fall into hell, just a single crab leg will ruin a thousand pots of lacquer. This is the meaning of the passage in the sutra, "Because the poison has penetrated deeply and their minds no longer function as before."

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Daily Wisdom

Daily Wisdom http://www.sgi-usa.org/encouragement/dw.php

From the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin
Tuesday, December 28, 2010:

In the next life you should use this sword as your staff. The Lotus Sutra is the staff that helps all the Buddhas of the three existences as they set their minds on enlightenment. However, you should rely upon Nichiren as your staff and pillar. When one uses a staff, he will not fall on treacherous mountain paths or rough roads, and when led by the hand, he will never stumble.