k祈求 Prayer

槟城新文化会馆祈求目标 New Penang Culture Centre Prayer Objective
1. 槟城新文化会馆所有向政府申请的文件和手续,都顺利早日得到批准。Smooth and early approval of the application of all government documents and procedures for the establishment of the new Penang Culture Centre.
2. 全部各项建筑工程都得到诸天的协助和守护,绝对无事故落成。To receive the protection and help of the Buddhist gods in every aspect of the construction process and its completion without any untoward incidents.
3. 建筑过程中,天气晴朗。Fine weather throughout the construction process.
4. 各人自发向每一期各自御供养目标挑战,达成御供养目标,以期自身宿命转换而得到更大功德。Every member to take initiative and challenge towards own individual target for every contribution campaign – to affect change in our individual karma and to receive greater benefits.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

以師心為己心 持續奮戰不懈

以師心為己心 持續奮戰不懈
台湾北一圈女子部 朱玉嬋

- 懷抱報恩感謝之心。為兼顧工作與使命奮戰
- 為了自他彼此的幸福。胸懷信念奮力向前
- 向師匠立下誓願。挑戰研究所考試
- 強盛祈念堅定信心。湧現智慧勇氣迎向挑戰

- 此時,秉持池田先生的指導:「前所未有的勝利,始於前所未有的祈求。」我每天唱題2至3小時,讓自己要更有智慧地安排時間念書與投入學會活動。
- 在每分每秒都是壓力與挑戰下,我告訴自己:「這一切都是『願兼於業』的過程,為了日後能鼓勵更多的人,我一定要完成與師匠的誓願,獲得勝利!因為我是師匠的真弟子!」

- 超越種種考驗與挑戰。實現夢想考上研究所
